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> What becomes of it then? Something like an animal spirit with the characteristics of your old pet? Does it look and behave the same except it's a different spirit?
It's not a different spirit, it's a real spirit, compared to before when it was more of an energy compound, lacking self consciousness.

> Buddhists as far as I know believe that animal souls have karma and a bardo and that you shouldn't kill them. Or else their afterlife and reincarnation will be worse and you get a nice load of bad karma too. Is it all bullshit according to you?
I honestly think most of what "buddhists" say is BS, they're not leading people to any real enlightenment. It's the same as with evangelical/protestant Christianity, they've created a soul farm where some low level monks and nuns are posing as Jesus/Buddha on the astral and trapping souls in pocket dimensions. Most of those have been wiped out during the recent clean up of the three realms. I don't know enough about how buddhism is practiced to say much about it, but from what I've seen it isn't working. Theravada may work for some people but Mahayana is unrealistic and for this reason leaning towards "satanic", the idea of "saving everyone" is naive to the point of being very harmful. You need to recognize the simple fact that most souls are damned and focus on saving yourself first and foremost. They're the same as protestants in this, in wanting to include everyone, they end up with low trash and can't rise to achieve anything. 

Heck even Islam in its current state can actually save people to some kind of eternal afterlife, even if they only save men and have strict standards. Those two religions above don't seem to have that ability. Djinn showed me the Islamic paradise - the only people in modern days who qualified for it were a handful of Islamic State members. Their energy was very dark, but there is no requirement to not practice Islam in a "dark" way.

Catholicism is different, the saints are actual immortals with their own worlds, but just as you can expect they aren't all nice people and evangelicals go as far as calling them demonic. I've had lots of helpful interactions with Catholic Saints, among them Olga of Kiev and Saint Barbara (she is the protective saint of artillerymen and in becoming martyred her breasts were cut off) who has a certain resemblance to a popular character.

Also, there's a Chinese story of a taoist who was a butcher; by becoming a master of butchering bulls he never cut bone and his knife was always sharp. He was so masterful he was awarded the golden immortal body. This shows that killing animals is not the issue here. Animals don't have souls, but if you kill in excess you are harming the eco-system which humans rely on, thereby harming humans who do have souls. It's also a waste of resources to kill things you aren't going to eat. That's about all I have to say about that.