Now about this "death layer" in detail. We all carry "death" inside of us. It will get us no matter what. But there is a thing. We can "overtake" this death layer before it kills us. Probably this is the point of "chakra locks" so the energy goes into a "deeper layer" and strengthens the chakras. 
I still don't know the exact details because I'm still exploring but there is a "rebirth" layer too. This is what we need to trigger to reborn. It's the "fire of life" but more strong. If my current theory is correct then the rebirth layer triggers a "rebirth" when all the energies we accumulated through life go through the "death layer" to the innermost place it gets "pressurized" and then a Big Bang happens that "renews" the energies of the soul. This can happen through afterlife journeys as you relive your life experiences unite with loved ones or some greater entities speed it up for you or you go to hell... It seems in hell they torture you to "break" your death layer further which is "fossilized" with "sins"/karma. There is one important part of the "rebirth" process. At the end of your life you need to find a "conclusion" and figure out what you want to do next when you reborn. It's usually guided by desires and some "unfulfilledness" you couldn't accomplish in life. But if you are full of low level desires you will end up in a cycle of chasing those desires and you will never find your "innermost desire". You will degenerate completely. Some parts of hell this is commonplace and you run amok until you "die" and other places demons instantly drop you into the hellfire to not cause further problems. The "complete annihilation" happens when you associate with your "sins" as your entire being. Your soul degenerates so much it needs a complete purge. You will be burned until it "reaches" your inner fire. Ten you become the hellfire itself because with all your pain and suffering you feel there will make you unable to find a "new will to live". 
And now i realized there is one thing worse than hell. Dying with complete apathy. That way you might end up in a desolate place in the abyss with no will to move on until an entity picks you up and "inspires you" or at least puts you to a good use (it became one of my greatest fear a week ago). And now about heavens. If you are not a sinner some entity with a paradise can pick you up and as you stay there he "calms down" your "rebirth" energy so you don't reborn but enjoy the time with the entity in the paradise. This lasts as long the entity either keeps you there or you find a new purpose "up there" that makes you reincarnate. Buddhism is very good at this because they have an important thing in their teachings. The eight fold path or what it's called. It has a "correct way" to do things in life. The most important part is the "correct way to meditate". And what is meditation? Literally a mindwave. You attune your mind to this "Buddha" mindwave and get all the wisdom and all the Nirvana bliss. You think like the Buddha you feel like the Buddha then you are a Buddha and you stay with the Buddha as long as you are Buddha. There are a bunch of paradises where Buddhas just sit and meditate you sit with them and any questions you might have your mind will figure it out. And that "correct way of meditation" clears everything hostile of your body including the death layer and makes your "fire of rebirth" into a calm orb that doesn't want to leave that place. It made me abandon Buddhism. I don't like this end goal at all. I realized I want to understand and explore the universe and not just "be still and be happy" (according to multiple beings this longing towards chaos made me incarnate on this planet but my past lives needs more exploring)  there are some great and significant ones there but when I try to enter them some "god" appears and starts to lecture me about all the mistakes I did there and how it ruined humanity in the long term. I don't need that now. i am not even sure if those were really my past lives or just similar to the way I think