I was then shown how in the past, Death didn't exist and this lead to the development of immortal jellyfish beings, Tritons, who just kept growing and eating everything until they killed their home galaxy. 

After this Death appeared which lead to competitiveness among the beings. They developed bodies to defend themselves but in the end only one per galaxy ended up eating everyone else and killing the galaxy. These are the human-like Empusa.

What we have now is a result of the adding of Aging, where beings are given a limited lifetime so that they don't just eat everyone and no matter if born early or late everyone has a decent chance.

Regeneration being added seems to close the circle on this process, literally. She said her job is to mend the broken life cycle of cells. Aging's job is to bend cells which are originally like straight pipes into bent pipes so that they can give room for new cells. Regeneration then adds the feature of recreating the old cell if it's good enough to be repeated, while the bad ones are replaced with new. This way old knowledge isn't lost.