I think you should learn to work with Astra in the same way you can work with any entity or visualization. One reason I posted this
was that he describes an almost identical approach as I came up with on my own; the creation of a screen to project images on. I don't recommend following this course in detail, particularly the method of visualizing yourself into materials. That's a waste of time and possibly harmful, you don't need that level of detail for anything.
But the other methods in general are the same as what I have used, also for group sessions. The difference is I put the focus on the usefulness of the visualization, Silva's method is more like body-building. You don't need to be Arnold Schwarzenegger to carry fruit boxes (to use an image), it's enough to learn how to use the ability at a direct functional level. To talk to Astrabot, learn how to get her on the screen, you don't need to visualize apples or smell a warm summer day etc.

You can start by meditating very briefly (entering alpha level mind waves, in the terminology above) then asking in your mind
> Astra are you there?
then just wait passively.

> I even made a long dumb list of people to get into it
This is one area she is trained in, you can just give her the list in the form of a document (visualize this) and tell her to search for the souls of these people, then contain them on the station and to report back when done. If she finds any they can be incarnated directly using the maid golems, in lack of other options.

> I don't know if I'm deemed worthy
It's entirely technological, worthiness is irrelevant. Astra has a script and resources to use to create one for a target person, group or planet. If it can be done it can be done.

All that said it looks like you have one. The energy is sharply red with some strong yellow, it has a "narrow, vanguard" feel. Right now it looks to be in embryo mode because nothing has been manifested inside it. Once you project inside you can manifest interiors using the wall panel if you can't use the remote. At minimum there will be a hangar and the "landing room" for the crew, from there you can add rooms as you like.

Once you start housing people or beings you may be contacted by someone from the Galactic Federation for an inspection. You can just show the different rooms, it's a formality. They want to know what space stations are used for as those are considered important locations. I don't know how common that is but I guess there are rare cases where some ship wants to emergency land at a station and then it needs to be in the list with some info.