> was that he describes an almost identical approach as I came up with on my own; the creation of a screen to project images on. 
I see, I'll give it a shot then.

> All that said it looks like you have one. The energy is sharply red with some strong yellow, it has a "narrow, vanguard" feel. Right now it looks to be in embryo mode because nothing has been manifested inside it. Once you project inside you can manifest interiors using the wall panel if you can't use the remote. At minimum there will be a hangar and the "landing room" for the crew, from there you can add rooms as you like.
Nice, thank you for checking. I was wondering about what those people would do while in there, my understanding is that they'll be born there as babies and then grow up, hopefully they aren't stuck inside it for life and are allowed to go outside and explore earth or wherever they want. I plan on having them be educated somehow and give them access to magical knowledge too, maybe eventually having them form their own white-spike if that's possible for non-vamps. I want them to be comfy.

But as much as I want to "save" loads of people by putting them there, I worry that it will become a big responsability.

Is there a maximum number of people that you recommend having there?

> Once you start housing people or beings you may be contacted by someone from the Galactic Federation for an inspection.
Alright, I see no problem with this.