> I was wondering about what those people would do while in there
If they're born there, their bodies are made up from nanobots of the kind best suited for them on the ethereal-desire scale. They won't feel that anything there is strange or boring as they'll be integrated in the system from the beginning. I made only a bedroom, a relax room with lots of foam pillows and stuff like a daycare center and a diner with a counter like a bar. After a while they added more rooms themselves, like someone added a kendo practice hall and a chemistry lab.
> my understanding is that they'll be born there as babies and then grow up, hopefully they aren't stuck inside it for life and are allowed to go outside and explore earth or wherever they want. I plan on having them be educated somehow and give them access to magical knowledge too, maybe eventually having them form their own white-spike if that's possible for non-vamps. I want them to be comfy.
Astra has the ability to teach them using the entire grey library of education programs aside from all collected knowledge from earth. They can manifest saucers to go down to the surface in safe timelines if they want, but those at my station only went once and quickly got bored. I took them to a beach at an isolated island once and they liked that, but they've shown no further interest in doing any trips on their own. People today can spend their days staring at a screen as it is, so I don't think they will get easily bored with this anyway.
> But as much as I want to "save" loads of people by putting them there, I worry that it will become a big responsability.
You can let Astra and the maid golems handle it. You know how kids grow up with Alexa and they have no problems relating to that shitty AI bot, this is way better.
> Is there a maximum number of people that you recommend having there?
The station has no set limit but it will be adapted to the owner's intent if it's a private station. Astra said the estimate for the shared earth station created for back-up, is 1-2 million depending on how much resources each person will use up. So less people if they use more resources. A private station should have no problem housing 40 - 50 people.