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thumbnail of lolicatgirls with intro.webm
lolicatgirls with... webm
(3.73 MB, 496x360 vp8)
The point was that it would tip the scales of our "reality" so much everything (in the normiesphere for sure) would probably self destruct.
Or maybe not. Russians will put down the vodka and Westoids will post it on twitter then a new "normal" will make it's way after the mass hysteria.
I mean we had covid BLM a total change of geopolitical warfronts an absolute propaganda warfare while the economies that took decades to build is collapsing under weeks and things are still kinda normal? It will get worse for sure but we don't know how it happens. Not everyone knows the "scripted" events and there are "some" who can "cancel out" the "effects" of these "grand designs"

This is the thing we don't know what will happen. If ayylmaos enter there might be other "parties" that might enter earth because they have "stakes" in this planet that they don't want to lose. Everyone is currently tiptoeing around because the "big players" are still silently sit in the corners. 

> The collapse of western civilization is a short-term goal of many spoopy practitioners and circles
Also this. Especially because some of them want to "reform" the "west" and for that a collapse needs to happen first.

The Great Game is a complicated mess.

 Also I am catching myself writing so much while not saying anything. I don't even know what can be said anymore