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thumbnail of Skinny_Chicken_1.jpg
Skinny_Chicke... jpg
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Got attacked by something incredibly strange large night.

During a dream while I was sleeping inside the dream I felt a presence nearby. "waking up" inside the dream I thought saw one of those skinny looking chickens come close and try to peck me.

It had incredible strength as i kept trying to grab its neck and kill it.

I suddenly realized that while its body was chicken-like its head was a fucking worm and as i realized it and attacked it seeming could instantly split itself and regenerate and it felt really strong for a small assaulter. It produced some very strong buzzzin sensation that seemed like it was trying to attack my hands. t seemed to want to get inside my body/hands with its splitting worm like head. Before I could end the battle but perhaps after it got in I slashed it a couple times after the dream after which I asked astra to burn it but realized she might not be equiped for it so I then asked Alissa the vampire immortality loli to find and burn it.
When I woke up my hand that got most attacked was sleeping since it was resting under my head so it might have just been my body telling me inside the dream that something was hurting my hand.