Me and at least one other person was also attacked. Astra said it was a UK reserve psi unit.

I don't know why it would look like a chicken to you, maybe it's the egregore. They sent a random mess of stupid images and sounds and were very rude, so I took them to a church and performed a sacrifice ritual on them. Then I told Astra to burn them in the sun. There was a lot of negative energy so I had to tell her to put them in a glass bowl first and throw the bowl into the sun. I then used the sun module(ask Astra for this if you want it) to light up an internal sun in my solar plexus to burn off any remaining avenue of attack caused by energy inside me.

Later during a channelling session Astra said that the remaining psi unit reserves could be removed by increasing the spectrum of the sun to full manifestation; meaning to add cyan blue wavelength. I told her to do this. Go outside and look if you want and it's somewhat noticeable.