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So, I've been doing some research for the last few years since Blood anon came to 8kun and I've been able to find correspondences to the concepts he talked about, but he did so using strange terms which don't seem to correspond with what the Taoists used. Or maybe I haven't gone deep enough. I still can't read Chinese well enough. 

The holy alchemical trinity in Chinese philosophy are the so called three treasures: jing, qi and shen. There was a lot of talk about these in the /fringe/ discords but very little understanding. I habe also found that they are usually not understood online and different websites make different mistakes when trying to explain them. My explanation won't be very comprehensive, but I've managed to tie them to Blood anon's and John Kreiter's concepts (John Kreiter seemed to borrow a lot from Castaneda, by the way).

Jing comes from your parents and ultimately the Earth. It allows your body to grow and live.

Qi is acquired by your body from the environment and allows the mind to form and grow. It can also replenish jing to an extent. It cannot hold form for long without a body or another vessel, and is limited by them as to what it can do.

Shen is cultivated in a healthy body and mind complex. It is a measure of coherent attention and consciousness. It is Kreiter's "ghost in the machine". Its color is red. 

You can draw the owl from here.