thumbnail of What the bloody hell is AN OWL.jpg
thumbnail of What the bloody hell is AN OWL.jpg
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> You can draw the owl from here.
Please give more information about the owl. I am seeing something like an "owl" when I am working on my 3rd and other 2 eyes. I had to figure out the reason my visions are random is because my mind/brain is still fragmented. I had to understand this "Oneness" too. I had to see the "stream of souls". How they wander the cosmos how they create "little ponds" then they stay there for a while than return into "grand current". If they are aware of their journey or not it doesn't matter they just "go around". I had to realize my entire body is made up of "beings" that merely "mimic" or try to serve the "great being". This is why letting go of pride, desires and most importantly the fear of death is important. Your fragments will all think that they are "real" and make problems by fragmenting yourself further for no reason. When I realized this that this unity is necessary and if there is compassion nobody "Loses" with it. When I realized this... I opened an energy pathway and merged with a part of me that I was completely unaware of. It felt like dying and being reborn in an instant. Gave me the aftereffects of an NDE. Since that I am aware of way too many energy pathways that were extremely neglected. But now I have several energy transmuting ways which are getting better and better as the day goes.
> healthy body and mind complex
I am starting to get aware that how much "healthy" we can get. And yes transmuting anything is easy when everything is "working" to it's full capacity. 
> Can this transmutation be really comprehensive unless the whole cosmos is in on it?
You just have to "get" the grand "recycling" of the cosmos. It's too simple and way too complex at once. I have no idea how to try to even start to write it down while being fully aware that I am still comprehending only tiny parts of it.  It's like the human digestion but more similar how the stars burn while being able to "shine" in the "void" then it's like a black hole that turns into a white hole? And not to mention this somehow becomes a "closed system" while still being a system with "openings". You "eat" energies without consuming them. You take only what you need and nothing else. Currently I know so many "ways" of cultivation that it feels like I don't know any. There's an infinite ways to do it and some of them works "too well". Which is bad because I still don't understand those fully which means they are extremely dangerous. 

> I can "remember" myself being there,
I had to realize that I was I am and always will be "there" to make several breakthroughs but I still can't say that I "remember"
> being inactive and being aware of everyone else
I still can't access this "part" of "me". For some reason I always had a feeling of "urgency" but I still don't know what causes that. And ofc nobody is willing to tell me that because this is something that I need to figure out for myself. But my favorite part of interacting with gods that they "know" but can't or won't tell me because I will "get it" anyway.

I need some insights about the owl.
 I can make a connection with it and it's trying to come through when I am doing that but because my "brain" or more like my entire head is not fully activated it's causing pain