thumbnail of __ouro_kronii_and_nanashi_mumei_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_srfdudr__4e871094a14468126f9398b648cd1102.mp4
thumbnail of __ouro_kronii_and_nanashi_mumei_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_srfdudr__4e871094a14468126f9398b648cd1102.mp4
__ouro_kronii_and_nan... mp4
(6.86 MB, 960x720 h264)
I also had an owl from Athena with rainbow eyes which led me to Thoth then to other places.

You do realize "filling in the blanks" is the hardest part of the path? But yeah that is the point with the meme you posted too. And I can fill in the blanks by myself but for some reason I still care about the opinions/insights of other people. Currently I can "force" the blanks to fill themselves without "me" even being there. And filling in the blanks can be done so many ways it's ridiculous. And in the end it will be the same no matter what. That is why I asked. So I might see a way that I didn't consider yet.

Whatever the "owl" said it's the complete manifestation of the crown chakra. And it's not exactly an owl it's more like an "owl fairy". The eyes the horns the way it's feathers are colored represents multiple pathways
Happened to me too. The tree is also the crown chakra. The point is that it's "branching" but still connects to "One" place the roots and the branches are separate but still One and united in the middle. The full extent of the tree is that you will be self sufficient of the "Light of god" and the "mud of earth". The natural cultivation is becoming a tree. Buddhists love the lotus because it "swims" on the water while only it's roots are in the "Mud". The reason why they love the lotus because it "shoots up it's seeds into the sky". Trees don't fly but owls do.