A lot of this post is hearsay, since there's a lot of censorship and disinfo going on about what is going on in South America, so keep that in mind while reading this post. I'm only posting what I believe to be legitimate info though but I might be mistaken about some of it.

Something seems to have started in South America, a lot of the leftists/commie countries are doing pretty bad, especially Argentina. And recently the Brazilian Workers Party blatantly stole the presidential elections and the people are protesting by standing outside military bases to show their support for Bolsonaro and the military to show that they have the population on their side if they try to take action against the communists.

Brazil's borders are all closed by the military just in case any of the communists allies of the Brazilian commies tries to invade it or send their goons in (it seems that all South American commies work together).

Apparently the Brazilian Army has started to go to high crime cities in order to get the cartels, since they are connected to the commies and might act on their orders.

The truckers in the country have stopped in protest against the communists stealing the election and I heard(hearsay yes) that hundreds of chinese cargo ships are outside the ports waiting to get food to bring to china, but they aren't getting it since the trucks aren't moving.

So we might see people in China going hungry because commies went too far in Brazil, and while a lot of people still worry that the world depends on China for cheap labour they don't seem to realize that China depends on the rest of the world for food, since only about 7-15% of Chinese soil is arable land.