Farc yeah, they are basically commie goons to those that don't know. In Brazil communists criminals where sent to jail during the period that the military "dictatorship" took over because commies where trying to take over Brazil.
The commies that went to jail ended up spreding their ideology to other criminals while in there and that led to the creation of a commie cartel that exists to this day called "Red Command" it works in Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Paraguay, Venezuela and Colombia according to wikipedia.

There's also the "Landless Workers' Movement" where entire families of poor people without much education have them and their kids raised on communist propaganda. They work directly for the Brazilian Workers Party (which stole the election) and have 1.5 million members according to wikipedia.

Also there are supposedly around 15.900 NGOs in the amazon according to a quick google search, so there is definitely a lot of shady things going on there. 

Kinda off topic, but its interesting that this metal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niobium is basically only found in the amazon and in Canada. Its used in jet engines, rockets and in the LHC and other particle accelerators.

Feel free to delete my posts if they are off-topic.