> Feel free to delete my posts if they are off-topic.
No, this is very on-topic. It may just not be obvious if you're reading the discussions on the board. We normally don't go deep into the physical-world connection on here, but it's being discussed in private.

> "Landless Workers' Movement
This was being reported about on state tv here last month. It may sound "off" to someone in other countries but Sweden has a strong tradition and thinking of engaging in socialist movements all over the world. This involves reporting about them and trying to define which ones are "good" socialists and which ones are "bad" socialists (like Stalin).

>  a lot of the leftists/commie countries are doing pretty bad, especially Argentina
Argentina was being secretly run by a witch cult specializing in ritual abortions. They've collapsed in the past few years, so I'd assume this is the reason. They were very aggressive and infiltrated all public discord servers with occult theme. The largest "wicca" servers with up to 80k members are completely controlled by them. This stuff is history now though so unless someone is interested in the deeper conspiracies, I have no reason to elaborate on this.

> Farc yeah, they are basically commie goons
They also have (surprisingly) one of the world's sharpest PSIOPs, well on par with Russia.