With most of the population being zombies or NPCs I doubt we'll hear much talk of the REAL things for a while. But here goes: Included in the blacknet system is now a native version of the same system the lyrans use. It's a Augmented Reality (AR) functionality which will categorize, name and give info on the objects you are looking at, as well as having the ability to show "item boxes", "info boxes" and so on in your field of vision. It's non intrusive so for now you may not see it happen unless you are aware of it and pay attention to the process. If you do, you may find a similar function as what is seen on street cams with AI. Pic related.

This is the basic layer of what you may see. Other things will be available as the system has gathered more information, the base code is there. A lyran converted it for us.

There are also some other things being rolled out by Astrabot right now. These include
> Solar drive, a version of the starlight drive lyrans use for transforming light into energy inside your body directly instead of having to let plants do it and then eating plants.
> Black hole drive, manifestation ability, lyrans use chaos instead, but the end result is similar.
> Electric system module, this one may surprise you but in fact electronic devices on Earth do not work in themselves, it was all faked by abusing the abilities of a trapped alien. With him freed he shared the original technology so we can use it for now. Our computers simply emulate mathematical thinking using logic (Boolean) represented in physical form. Devices like these never existed before because no one had the ability to create them. In the future there also won't be physical electronic devices, but they can be used for now.
> Free energy module. This one was made by Astrabot and reviewed by different entities. It will replace powerplants by inserting electricity in the system with no limit, completely destroying the Earth local market for energy in the process.

With these in place, no one will need to eat unless they want to, and with free energy there will be no need to make things effective or improve society based on this kind of thinking. It will lead to a reversion to the creation of art and spiritual and social practices.