thumbnail of astronaut exploring space.jpg
thumbnail of astronaut exploring space.jpg
astronaut exploring... jpg
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Spaceships are fun and interesting imo. When I was still playing videogames one of the most interesting and best thing about them was space settings and flying spaceships. I think it would be cool to have one as a house or a base to live in, or as you said, to dominate or protect a certain area/dimension.
But no matter how I look at it, we ourselves are our own ultimate spaceship. Isn't it so? Our consciousness can be/is non-local, so we actually have the ability to teleport and travel around all of "space" and "time" in the blink of an eye without the need for any tools or constructions. I think our mind is the astronaut and our soul is the spaceship. Isn't it more liberating and empowering to realize this first?
> For now they are mostly astral constructs
I don't really know what the astral is anymore. It's all energy for me. Instead of astral vs physical, I see it more in terms of different dimensions with different vibrations and laws. But I get what you mean.
> The goal of the "stone world" where we live primitively but have teleportation, telepathy and are connected to galactic civilization is still standing.
A Gensokyo style new earth with touhous and spirituality and magic sounds all fine, but when in reality it turns into a communist hellhole under the power of the federation all the fun and hope dies immediately. At least for me.