The point is. Earth will become a cultivation/ascension zone and those who don't like it can go to other planets in the territory of Galfed. I am working with ancient entities because I am trying to figure out the true magic behind earth and as Earth and it's "evolution" stands aliens can come here but they need to play by the rules. I don't know how will play this out but whenever BO talks about the things that are happening he speaks about strangely similar things that I also encountered. 
I am not telling you to accept BO and what he says the only thing I am telling you to try to see things with a different perspective. Nazis were NatSoc they were the closest what was the communist ideal. But Stalin made sure everyone forgets the socialist part because we cannot have our "own ideology" as an enemy. So they were called either Fascists or Nazis.
Idealists think that the ideas are great because they are "higher than man" but in reality most people misunderstand the ideas and even warp them into their own favor.

Srsly this is a complicated matter and it can turn out good.  Our main plan is to make sure the "materialist communism" that the NWO is trying to come up with fails as it was supposed to fail in the beginning. Nobody expected Lenin to get rid of the Tsars. Nobody expected Mao to win. They thought the USSR will crumble from it's own weight with the death of Stalin.  Materialist communism is a dead end and a trap. This one is not gonna be materialist. Not even the "socialism" Jesus came up with is similar because that was also too naive. Balancing the material and the spiritual is no simple matter.