> Didn't Reimu say in some parts of the games that she doesn't care if humans get eaten or die?
Complicated. Shintoism and the dao... Some people deserve to die is the most simple explanation
> Does that mean that Reimu would also stop me from devouring yokais?
Depends how you ruin the status quo and the order of gensokyo or the "way".  And if Reimu likes you or the yokai more. Are you sure you are strong enough to eat a yokai? Are you certain that eating that yokai wasn't the plan of that yokai? Why would you even eat a yokai. 

Truth is she doesn't really care if she doesn't NEED to care.

When you work with high level spirits you get a pretty interesting perspective about the "right and wrong" good/evil paradigm.

Even ZUN forgets sometimes what he says or writes about his touhous. And every touhou is fickle.
And the actions of Reimu always depends on what she sees right and what is her mood and  who writes her 

> If you say it will be alright
We are trying to make sure it will be right. Warhammer 40k is a fun setting on paper but an absolutely horrible to live in. I always considered that setting as a warning