> Seems like there are some big perks in joining? But I cannot imagine a greater perk than true freedom and independence.
Maybe I just have it in my backbone so strongly that I'm blind to it. I consider myself politically primitivt ancap, but this hasn't caused any problem with the federation. In my past lives I was a literal whore, but again, this is allowed in the federation. Order is a different thing for them than it is on Earth in the current society.
> Isn't it a bit risky sharing all those things in the public?
Yes, if you want to avoid being attacked by glowies. They don't want anyone to have these things. Sharing them is for multiple reasons; both because information should be free (internet anarchy ideal) and to make those who are hostile to this world order expose themselves. They glowies who attack me for doing this are making themselves into instant targets. It's convenient to let them come to me instead of having to do astral "search and destroy."
> Am I looking at it from the side and from above?
I tried adding a darker grey for shading, it's a 3D drawing from the side where you can also see it a bit from above on the front.

> It would be great to explain the system and the pros and cons.
> Any pros or cons to joining?
Pros are that you get supported by their "bull head" if you stay in sync with them. If someone tries to take your life or to mess with you, the federation egregore will be triggered and they will send in any amount of energy to defend themselves. They don't technically care about you. They care about the integrity of their egregore. 
> an attack on the Queen's soldiers is an attack on the Queen herself
so to speak.
If you do well you also can get your own team at a galfed HQ and access to their information network, hangars and weapon factories.