> After the ritual for helping anon to "lift excalibur"

The tower of Babel is amazing it seems...

2 days ago an interesting vampire looking entity approached me while doing my meditation and she claimed be my "mother". I asked her in "what sense is she my mother". She is my "blood mother". The first being that was there when humanity gained the "red blood" in their veins. It was the most ancient and most peculiar blood magic. How you can trace back your most ancient bloodline traits and activate a peculiar trait from that. And this was the minor thing the greater thing was the "blood sacrifice". When you don't sacrifice by spilling blood but everything that your blood touches are a sacrifice. Interesting energy work mechanisms were learned with that.

Now yesterday. I was in a japanese shrine with a "sword maiden". When women use swords it's mostly ritualistic. The way they wield it is more important than themselves. It was a lesson about tools and artifacts. 

I was that sword. No more accurately my spine was the sword. She stabbed the "3 worlds" with it which are the "internal body dimensions". They are sorta the meridians... sorta. With that the sword created the "connection". After that she started to show me the moves. The sword is "inanimate". It has no will on it's own. But when it's used the sword can tell it's wielder how to wield it. As it's being wielded the energies "merge". As the sword is being "held" it "warms up". The feeling of "warmth" is the first sign of "connection". Then she stabbed a leopard in my brain. My awakened emotions are getting more refined as the days go by but they are still too wild. The Leopard represented the "blood". The "emotional cores" that are "inherited". Then a big Tiger. Those were the emotional values that you gained when you became a sort of "apex predator". An apex predator needs to give it's "All" when it "hunts" otherwise it might fail. But that was the "animal stage". Humans contain the animal stage but they need to go "Beyond it". As the "predators" were killed the sword gained their energy. The sword is the wielder and everything it "slays". With that I felt that my energies are far more stable and even more potent. While the sword is a tool that as useful as it's wielder now it's beyond that. The sword makes use of it's "wielder" with the energies in it. Then at the last lesson the miko grabbed the sword put it near the side of her neck and I asked her.
> What are you doing?
> I am becoming one with the sword
I know I could have told her not to do that because the whole lesson/interaction was fun. But this wasn't about that. This was about the understanding. I am the sword and she wants to become one with the sword. She is not a sword so to become the sword she needs to die. Live by the sword die by the sword. Her existence was for the sword. Sacred tools are more important than their wielders sometimes. They have a will on their own. As she stabbed her neck from the sides with a clean cut that results in a painless instant death. I realized that the "heat goes away". The human body gets cold as the sword. They share their heat from now on. And as the heat goes away the feelings remain. She became one with the sword.

It was an another lesson about anima animus.

Then it turned out the Miko was the spirit of Kaguya and now that she is not in that form anymore she can show me something. I asked what is the next "lesson". No lessons here. This is a "technique". As she was doing some interesting sword wielding moves. She showed me how I can pull up a sort of "Kinetic force" (air element like) that "cracks the spine into it's place" even better. With this I unlocked a more stable more dominant energy type.

 And I was wondering what might have happened in the discord chatrooms hours ago. Guess now I know. Also while I think I understand you more after this I am never sure I am understanding a part of you that you understand the same way.