More of an announcement than a sharing...

Faydom module

If you really want it you can ask for it, but it's going to be "intrusively spread" over the net to subdue hostile elements so you will probably encounter it. 

In short, there are people who insist that they must live under the influence of the blacknet, while at the same time they think they don't have to be connected to it. Some kind of childish rebellious idea of eating the cake and still having the cake. Because they aren't going to leave, they will be made to sign a contract preventing them from causing harm to us. It's voluntary to live under the benefit of the net, so they aren't "forced" to sign it, they could just leave. This is a module which will simply make sure that everyone are bound by the terms they already accepted. That's the idea of creating it, but in the end it's more like a general peace-keeper or perhaps ideological persuader. (No intentional galfed ideas here, but it seems they make their way in anyway.)

If you want to act out this role you can wear it and then there is also a ship you can use, specially made for this function. I call it the beetle, a small black thing with a bed in the back, you can live on it too.