Hard to put into words but the point is it has more of a "complete super technology" feeling. Instead of the "magical hinduist feel" it has a feeling like I am a high tech space ship... no more accurately an entire planet covered with supertechnology contained within my body. It felt like those cartoon robots that can pull out everything from their body. I posted pic related because it feels like that.

I asked Narasimha if this "perspective" would cause some harm later on but he said.
> It does the same thing in the end

> It was not something intentionally/explicitly included
I know. And I am pretty sure most people won't notice this. I am only "seeing" this because most of my yoga comes from hindu deities.

So far the cat is just "patting" pressure points on my body so I focus on it and let it "manifest". Did not work with it seriously yet.

Currently trying to understand the doing things without "forcing it" feeling. This is why Narasimha said I don't need to watch yoga videos because I would just "subjugate" my body with those movements. Yoga is about "union" after all. Doing it forcefully causes resistance. The point is that everything needs to "blend" on it's "own". It's something so basic and simple but it has so many layers.