Most of the ancient vampires for example didn't want to stay, so they moved to the astral and incarnated as lyrans or drow. Most people in general didn't want to stay on Earth as it was being cleansed of Moloch so they were continually moved into other dimensions through this choice.

The "front line" population is only around 100 000 souls left now. It's about the same as the world population supposedly was 4000 years ago, it happens at every civilization low point according to the Queen. There are just different ways in which it's reduced. Back then aliens interfered physically by invading because the Earth's dimensional frequency suddenly collapsed and allowed for entry against normal functioning of the veil. They started taking over human bodies to play war games, it was the story reposted on /x/ now and then about skinwalkers and the 3 days of darkness. This was the end of Atlantis when they put out Venus which was the artificial sun of planet Earth during that period. This was also the end of the Babel's tower and the physical breaking up of the continents. The world "was created 4000 years ago" in the sense that Saturn was restored as the sun and the land masses took on the form they have now.

The same aliens came here again recently but the timelines were locked in place by the presence of lyranet so we're now left with all these zombies/NPCs instead of people being physically destroyed.

If you really didn't want to stay, the maintenance deities would move you to a suitable place. There are those who really don't want to leave, but they also don't want to accept the rules of the future planet. Well then they made the choice of staying, so they have to follow the rules. It's about what you have in your subconscious more than a conscious decision to stay or leave.