I don't think it's even possible for a force of nature to break the rules, they are the rules! Yokais do things their way and they won't care what you think. It's like the attitude...

They tell the guy to "don't tell them what to think, just tell your story and let them decide what they think".

So they'll look at you and see that you're rebellious, but not in a way that diverts from what they want, probably. It's not that rats are un-allowed, it's just that if there are rat people with stupid views, there will also be ways to handle them, like making them into free prey. They can have that view, but me and those close to me will force them to sign a contract of loyalty if they act like that. The other option is to let them be until someone kills them and they reincarnate as actual rats.

There is no guarantee what emerges as ideas to me through the net and Astra's hivemind is what the yokais want in specific, but it's a representation of my part of this egregore and what things I should create. I want the net to have full control of the karma for all non-lyranet members, a multi racial net which works for anyone and not divided with a grey net there and an elf net there. The blacknet is to be the intersection where we all meet. That's how I want to see my view, but it's not just mine alone. A layer placed outside all racial nets which can handle the functionality of any of them. For this to be attractive though, I don't want rats in or near it. They'll start responding to the electric shocks soon, most have either joined us or stepped back, only a few very slow and stupid groups of people are applying this idea that they should maintain a "fortress" inside the net where they are allowed to make their own rules inside it. But that will give room for an internal ruleset to be created and the karma then will build up in there, and eventually leak out and cause disasters. Just like they've done in 6 past human civilizations. I can't allow that, simple as.