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Of course the Touhous must know what they are doing, being the extremely powerful and intelligent chaos beings that they are supposed to be. I'm not doubting them. But I also don't understand how I am the rules. I see myself as a guest for now.
Anyway thanks for your understanding. When I saw the post I felt conflicted (even if it may be not about me) and thought I should be fair and state my feelings and my position openly before maybe some trouble arises from it. If you and the touhous can trust me to behave properly and obey the rules by my own free will without being connected to anything or dominated by some modules, then I can trust you too and will do my best to be decent and maybe even helpful while I am still here. 
What surprises me is that the EU leaders and some glowies are still here, just because they "want" to stay. While they should all be burning in hell instead, or at the very least be pushed away somewhere else. The leaders of my country are still pulling disgusting antics that are no good at all, and I'd expect they'd be removed a while ago. They almost made the vaccine mandatory but thankfully enough people managed to vote against it, or else things would be really uncomfortable now. I'm still the only unvaccinated person I know but at least I can stay clean. Still, the fact that they almost pushed it through pisses me off.
> (what do you think xmas trees with a star on top really represent?)
Looks like a mountain or the world tree with enlightenment/immortality on top of it. But probably your version is more correct. I found that everyone sees everything in different lights with different meaning, so I always just take the meaning I like best, or I make up my own.