> What surprises me is that the EU leaders and some glowies are still here, just because they "want" to stay
Some of them are significant souls who came from other planets, then they got involved with creating Moloch 156000 years ago and piled on a lot of karma (which didn't destroy them because they're old and very powerful souls who should have known better). Some think creating karma provides room for spiritual development because it places you in trouble, so they think they can "test" themselves this way. This mentality that you can create your own tests in a controlled setting then becomes the real test to pass. It only works when you challenge real problems, not those you created yourself. It's been a theme in Falun Dafa from early on when talking about the "old forces" who came from other dimensions. Testing in a controlled setting like in science is probably the same false idea. It amounts to nothing (and this is what vaccines also do, "being ill in a controlled/safe way to reach immunity", of course that doesn't work, immunity comes from real life exposure which is beyond your control) and the mentality itself is the test, can you break out of it or not?

They still think they need to "beat" us as if what we do is sabotage, and the result when done is that they get Moloch back again and can create the perfect vaccine which will make them immune to karma. If they're still here it's because Gensokyo considers them either salvageable or as good punchbags for us to use in our own process of enlightenment. Some of them aren't in the physical, they stay in dimensions which belong to each person, so it's then that they act like illness demons and needs to be kicked out by you yourself. 

> The leaders of my country 
They could be "living rent free" in your dimensions and may remain until you kick them out. Use the weapon and your snake cult!

The peace-keeper Faydom program may manifest in the form of something like your grandma whom everyone fears. She'll appear uninvited driving an old van and she knows everyone's weaknesses and uses threats and psychology to bully everyone into submission. And there is nothing you can do to fight back. She's not your enemy.