> I was wondering what he is talking about or who he is talking to
You happened to say a few things that seemed to refer to an ongoing discussion with anon, you brought up the exact same issues. That's what caused the confusion.

The bullying granny is for the kind of people who just crave baby blood so much that they have to try re-installing the Moloch sun over and over despite everyone taking part in each attempt getting burned and sent to hell. Talking to these people and explaining why they need to stop obviously isn't doing the job. They don't seem to react to being killed either because they have some mentality where they think they, personally is better than everyone who failed before them, so whatever happens to others will not happen to them even if they do exactly the same thing.

They need to be bullied, while alive, so that their collective thinking changes into one of submission. Dead people won't talk once they're in hell, so those remaining won't learn when they're this dense. They also lack general psychic awareness so they can't hear the screams either, even if they are able to power their weapons using qi. Their minds are in a trap where they think themselves invincible until the very last moment when they get to experience eternal damnation all at once. Maybe they are the kind of people who are the most difficult to save. At one point it's not worth trying, but it's necessary to determine where that fine line is.