> original question about illnesses
It's hard to answer tbh. Illnesses are a sort of "karma". More complicated than this but... the illnesses will not be the same as they are now.

The problem that humans will change... no... more accurately go back being "proper humans". Now the thing what BO says about being and not being able to save some people... Some people are so far from being humans already that turning them into "proper humans" is more painful than death and hell itself. For them it's better to be "ejected" from this timeline so they can go somewhere to "recuperate" instead of enduring the torment here. I am not saying this to make you worry because as BO said before
> those who are still here have a reason to be still here
I can't explain the "plan" either because it's kinda complicated and I am only seeing parts of it.

> I'll figure it out
This is the important part. Figuring out how you "fit" into the big picture. The path is long and has interesting turns sometimes. But you need to "see it" yourself