I just meant to say that it's a slow process. When it takes effect, illnesses should all be suppressed. But suppressing them with nectar and turning you into a 1000 demigod like the first generation of humans in the bible doesn't remove your karma or the source of the illness, so you have until then to clear up as much as possible. The rest will then have to wait. I think it's about the "cultivation environment" thing again, if everything is perfect in the external world, it's difficult to even see your internal issues, everyone will be in clueless bliss. Then some will be instantly moved to a paradise after period 1 ends, as on this Earth. They're there, if you can sync with the place. It's a large indestructible white sphere, and the people in there indeed look like the Queen said; they are all human female in appearance, with six tits. But in reality they are hermaphrodites, it's my understanding that whoever created humans made them to be as easy as possible to change genetically, so that anyone can incarnate here. Unfortunately this freedom lead to the creation of a lot of degenerate races, and the elimination of the original type of human (but this explains why trannies are a thing, humans originally weren't non-binary, they had both genders at once, also why yoga-union means to reconnect them into one).