> this explains why trannies are a thing
And instead of becoming the "other gender" trannies manage to become a freak with no real genders. Becoming an eunuch was the greatest punishment a man could get in the past (except in the church... they wanted you to keep your "angelic voice"). At least women can "detransition". If sexes could connect properly to their "other half" they would not want to transition. 
> protected from illness
the proper human form needs no protection
> if you live like crap, you get illness
Exactly. Illnesses can "propagate" because a bunch of weak ass retarded dumb humans spread it with the most vile practices. Currently I am being taught the "proper human form" and if the energies can flow/circulate the ways "they should" illnesses have no chance. It's ridiculous how we fucked up ourselves with this kind of "society/civilization". And no I am not saying that the blame is society itself. The problem is that... we are retarded. The fountain of youth will stop tasting like shit when you stop shitting into it. Miraculous discovery.