Yeah Jesus went ahead and "united" a bunch of more "cattlelike humans". 
> humans bad
> but these things that are even more below than humans are better
I mean yeah you can "Interpret" Jesus that way too... whatever. Am gonna talk about what I liked about Drifters.

The game. There was a girl whose "astral realm" was literally the "Modern world". She had the tech to use it as a "way of operation" while the other dude had something like an office from the 70s and got the progress of the events via a "newspaper".
It's really funny IRL too. When you start "meddling" with things the effects of your "meddlings" come back in the weirdest ways. Suddenly there is a thread explaining that what you intended JUST HAPPENED. Or the tv and radio "surprisingly" mentions it when you "accidentally" turn it on. Or from out of nowhere someone randomly mentions it.

What I really liked about "the game" in Drifters is that while the girl was all about "recruiting" humans with the highest innate magic ability. While the dude recruited people who had the highest impact on human history.
It kinda boils down into a sort of wizards vs kings type of thing. I know it was not exactly that black and white in the setting too but this was what the author intended more or less. (and how distributing technology is easier than distributing magic and how the sides "gained an edge" with that) The thing is... Wizards and kings are the same. The difference is that while wizards have "otherworldy" powers kings have "worldy" powers. They both fear and respect the other because power is power in the end. But here is the most important distinction between the 2. Kings don't care about the "weird world" of the wizards while the wizards don't want to deal with "all that mundane shit" kings deal with everyday. They are both "busy" with their "own thing" already. But they are still sorta "need" each other. The king is aware that no matter how great  he is the "Otherworld" is messing with this world here and there... while the wizard no matter how great he is... he is still "within this world". He still have some reason to be "still here". This is why in the ancient times wizards and kings had to work together. Usually this resulted in the formation of a "priest class". The problem was that the priest class always went into formalities and forgot the "real reason" why they exist in the first place. They either died with their kingdom or they became so useless that they were cast aside.

Now why am I saying this. The Bodhisattva path is about understanding the material and spiritual. Wizards usually get too disconnected from "this world" while kings are too "obsessed" with it (when a king stops caring about this world he usually loses his power over it)
Real psychology is closer to magic than science (like seriously. it's ridiculous how most psychologists are absolutely unable to comprehend their "own profession".  The only good thing that dick obsessed Austrian did was inspiring Jung to make something better from it). I always love how they like to call each other "Pseudoscience" all the time