When I posted more than a week ago I got a headache. I knew it was because I "Burned open" an energy circuit a day ago but someone was "stimulating it". Then a red devil with multiple small horns appeared and I asked him what he wants. He told me he is an "emissary" and he just wants to "stay here" so they can "Benefit" from my "contact point" abilities. They told me they are willing to offer "anything" if I let them "stay".

It seems they are "related"
I just asked them if they wand me to write an "ad" for them but they said they can "sell themselves" well enough so no need. I just tested out what they can do and they indeed have a mastery with male sexual energies and they... just asked me to not "sell them further".

Guess they want to show "what they can do" by themselves.