thumbnail of anarcho_monarchism.png
thumbnail of anarcho_monarchism.png
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The main issue with monarchy as we know it, is that it's for creating a cattle-human system where the king is essentially a crime boss containing the karma/sins of the population. This is reducing humans to mere animals following the yearly cycle of nature rather than having control of their own reproduction. The solution is already hinted at in especially Catholicism where lady Mary has a stronger role. While some now claim that her giving birth as a "virgin" or "maiden" simply means that she was younger than 15 (anyone of that age was considered a virgin in Roman days disregarding any fact of the matter as seen in modern days), this is telling us how to fix the issue. Become like her. Women need to not follow the cattle-reproduction, but to control their body, bringing and end to the monthly menstruation. With no wear on the body, they remain fertile all of their lifetime, and the karma of mixing family (karmic) line is also solved, as the egg will not be a "half egg" but will be a complete when created, as is implied with Mary giving birth to Jesus with no external impregnation. This solves the main issue as the child will be a clone of the mother genetically, with the male seed adding useful genes to the mix without crudely replacing half of them.

If the king or queen is treated more like a harem leader and the basis of the society is "virgin birth", then it's a good system. UK mostly has reptilian monarchy so they don't actually use the human cattle system, a reptilian will not be responsible for human sins. This may be why they still remain today.

> pic related
This is considered to have been the actual political direction of UK in Victorian days.