Thank you for this valuable feedback; it proved to be a great refresher and also added some info!
Then, how would a human state run by the Collective look like? I'll make a series of considerations I have made here:
> the chaotic mode of existence and thought implies rule by arbitrary force. contrasted to being ruled by principles, it allows leeway for contradiction, as, while in the chaotic mode, there may be rules, these may very well not be followed on whim;
> Collective succubus seem to not be particularly literate when it comes to the human perspective; therefore I propose that this be compensated by the human recruits/disciples on this Earth such that the humans can 'fill in' on what the knowledge body of the Collective lacks, and vice versa;
> from what I gathered in past communications that the BO has published, the Collective itself is, in human terms, libertarian, anarcho-capitalist and primitivist; however, human rule may seem to look different, coming in 'stages' with totalitarian matriarchy shifting into a technocracy/meritocracy, and then the matriarchical base being removed from the personal sphere with the government retaining it. I'm not sure if this is the general plan or a surgical modification of shifting human society towards matriarchy.
> building on the previous point, is the end-goal a general guideline or plan for a theoretical Collective-ruled state besides the matriarchy plan, or is there none? to be short, what would such a state look like?

On another note, my table needs repair, so my studies have been on hold.