The Earth will change a lot in the coming years. This is not based on some "political analysis" but on what is happening behind the scenes. It's quite simply so that once the cattle-system is removed, it will be impossible to maintain a patriarchy other than as smaller personal harem-like societies. The galactic federation is already here working outside of sight. The federation in the physical consists mainly of beast people with fur, some more catlike, some less. But they all have the kind of genetics where they can give birth to genetic clones with no involvement of any other individual. For those who travel in space for long periods, this means all-female crews can be sustained this way for many generations if needed. They don't degenerate, they have ways to ensure that. For these races, men are involved for their ability of new discoveries and fast bursts of development. But for those cases where this isn't desirable, there won't be men involved, and for the federation leadership level, stability is the main concern.

Earth women can rarely hold positions like that because they are part of the cattle-human population, they are biologically subordinate to men. Only those who left that system and genetically became a different race, can do that.

There is also the aspect of reincarnation control - the issues we have here with women acting like men or men acting like women and conflicts over gender roles, this won't happen when every soul can choose which body they want before being reborn.