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> Earth women can rarely hold positions like that because they are part of the cattle-human population, they are biologically subordinate to men. Only those who left that system and genetically became a different race, can do that.
Aww that fucking sucks

> Reincarnation control
> this won't happen when every soul can choose which body they want before being reborn.
Is this something that will inevitably happen..?

That aside before I left for 3-4 years again you guys kept talking about the federation and lyrans or whatever they're called, all this stuff about them changing our DNA and such. Is there even a choice to decline getting turned into part cat? I'm sure a somewhat sizable amount of people would be against going from human to feline and exactly is this federation even trying to do now. I recall the stuff you mentioned with them and the reptilians but ehhh. Ah well, as long as they don't interfere with my sisters and I directly it's fine I suppose. Seeing them actually get angry is a terrifying thing to experience