> before I left for 3-4 years again
The lyrans came to me first time in 2021 so it can't have been that long. We talked about/to the federation a bit before that.

Planet earth would be destroyed unless changed. There were aliens out there who function as a kind of garbage clean up business of galaxies, they had labeled the Earth as a terror planet for sending so much toxic waste into space. They were prepared to come here and obliterate the lot of the solar system if no one fixed it. So the NWO would never happen either way.

If someone doesn't want to be changed to yokai-humanoid or part feline/beast, they will simply be turned over to the garbage squad and eliminated for being too toxic. No one is forcing anyone to become a feline, it's allowed to just be obliterated too. If you have a better idea, feel free to present it to them, but so far no one else did.

Outer space is no walk in the park, and Earth is not a playground where someone can just do anything and no one interferes. I will of course not allow these toxic-spreaders to drag innocent beings down with them, that's in essence what this is about. The vaxx and the lot of it, it's about connecting everyone into one system so they would be toxic to the same degree as the elites. But this would not save anyone, it would cause everyone to be eliminated, not just the leadership.

I can't allow that of course. If they refuse to change, they are allowed to be that way, but there are consequences. They will be removed by forces so much beyond and above anyone else in power level that it's inconceivable to anyone on this planet. Killing all the evil of the Earth would be like crushing an insect for them. With all the armies of evil aliens, astral and otherwise, involved in Earth and the NWO, it wouldn't help at all. A small team of  these space cleaners would just press a button and it's all burned up in an instant.