> For example, the Sunflower Project may very well be novel in the sense that it aims not to form a community, for the reason that communities degenerate. I would appreciate your input on this.
It was a simple observation that discord servers which aim to form communities either die, or turn into layered groups with an "elite" inside group of friends and a bunch of hangarounds, then randoms who join and never post. All progress then stagnates and the chat ends up being about crypto, drugs and sex related topics, no matter what topic the server was meant to be about.

I figured things that are hard to get access to will always attract interest, so I made it that way, then was clear in saying that this is not a community, share your input but don't stay around if you have nothing to contribute. We held sessions in there to form an astral base, which of course made it necessary to discuss what we want, but it was kept on point like this. 

This was also meant to imitate how the world elites operate, by mimicking the attitude of a rich egoist who doesn't have to care what anyone thinks. With this, the egregore would sync with the world system, and gain attention from the relevant spiritual beings, who would consider us just as legit as the leaders out there. Because seen from the astral, it doesn't matter your social position, only how you organize, what your energy is like, and how you represent the people of the world.

The rest you already know. It worked, Isis came to our table, greys came, skinwalkers came, and so on. This means we made it.