> things like the satellites and other space debris or do you mean toxic waste as in energy/aura/vibes?
A kind of satellite, more specifically the "planets" of the solar system which are all made up of garbage from Earth, except for Mars which is a real (although dead) planet and Saturn which is an old blacked out sun. Past civilizations were clever enough to come up with this, and the current retard leaders of Earth wanted to do the same. Plus that they used a portal under NY to dump negative energy out in space, it's that very long jet beam observed coming out from a black hole. That is the other end of the NY portal, the retards just didn't get that this was a portal with an exit, they though it was an endless hole to nothing. 

Aliens don't like people dumping trash into wormholes.

> how many entities/beings are players in regard to this planet?
No idea, too many. Loads. Most in numbers are some hivemind grey-likes, really dumb virus aliens who look somewhat humanoid but lack all self preservation instincts.