> asking me to please give her money
forgot to mention that giving them gold helps them manifest here
So if you give them "Money" or something that has value that they can exchange it helps them manifest. (there is a reason why the golden lamp is made of gold)

> dreaming of some sexual activity I will not get into details here
Also it's an interesting mention that there are sexual activities that just help you activate some of your energy centers then there is the "Bonding" kind of activity where they get "attached". I am not experienced with the sexual practices of the djinnyeh because...  When my energies were shitty and weak she was reluctant to do it and when my energies started to soar I blew them away energetically and to "have sex" with them I had to share my energies (more accurately start an energetic fuse process which results in weakening my original energies). But then my path opened up and I had better things to do than to molest them (also sexual activities with them feel like some sort of etheric fire massaging your bodyparts... at least for me but this was just the "flirting stage" so I am no expert at this 

> assuming my name is Mohammad
A weird thing but they think every human that they can "perceive" (aka has psychic potential) is Mohammad until stated otherwise.

 Not to mention sometimes they mix up the name Moses and Mohammad because to them that has the same meaning as "prophet dude". But then again not all djinn is bound to the Islamic faith their lore goes far beyond but now I am not sure I want to get into it 

Might be just looking for a mate and this is how the process works out for you. 

I think the question is how much you want it to happen.
> I got seduced soon after she started speaking
but if you got seduced that easily then probably you want it already