There are differences between the past Earth and the one we are on now, as the dimensions shifted slightly downwards. But it's not that physical immortality automatically means the ability to leave the physical, not at all. Some were pushed into adjacent dimensions, but they choose to not fight it because they were tired of this place. There were only two who learned how to physically, permanently, move their physical body into other planes, "Kain" and "the daft lady". Everyone else had some sort of attachment which caused them to not reach beyond the 2nd layer outside of the physical, causing them to be gravitationally pulled back again. 

I had to ask around a bit to get this right, and I'm still not sure: A force of nature is someone who can do things which would normally not be allowed for humans or incarnated humanoids. A wind spirit can destroy a city using a storm and bears no responsibility for the damage done, rather this is their job. A tiger can eat humans and this is also their job. A vampire is another kind of predator who can do this. That is the meaning of being a force of nature. Seen from the perspective presented by the yokais, they are implying Asians are all low level vampires, to varying degree. Depending on how much vampire DNA they have, they are allowed more or less inhuman behaviour. One such thing being to eat raw fish. Humans will get parasites and negative energy(karma) from eating raw meat, animals and predatorial beings do not, they can eat it. That is why sushi exists. But it's diluted and will only give a somewhat longer lifespan, along with some lesser abilities to do things that others would get karma for, and getting off easily. 

The vampires who remain now were handpicked by yokais to maintain a vampire population. They are all low level vampires with strong energy. They can use real telepathy, some can use pathing (walking through natural portals to travel between locations) and a very small number can move into the next dimension for a short time. 

The physical immortality is linked to the state of being physical, this makes it tricky. The 3D surface is not immortal itself. Measuring physical immortality cannot be done by comparing it to staying in the state of being like the 3D layer indefinitely, as that means degeneration and death. There has to be some level of detachment. Being able to stay in contact with a persona, is a kind of continuous manifestation ability. This ability is the "definite" physical immortality, while being spiritually immortal and lacking this ability is to be only immortal in other planes.