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> But, there is no complete circle at this layer yet. Further cleansing will take place before this is done.
Is this the zero particle? I'm supposed to have at least one from the spell since years ago. Or is this something else entirely?
> Let things play out naturally and don't seek confirmation, or it may get unpleasant.
Why unpleasant, if I die can't I just go to the astral and exist there? I think I'm at least spiritually immortal, otherwise I couldn't have a zero particle.
> Being able to stay in contact with a persona
In essence it means you have to ERP out your vampire character at all times just like the lady you mentioned? Just being your vampire persona forever? Is this the way to complete the circle if I want permament physicality? I guess the main soul of spiritual immortals like the lady becomes the vampire persona and eventually it gets so fused with the spirit/consciousness that it becomes impossible to seperate yourself from it and you just become it forever. And if you manage to neglect it you basically lose everything you have and are. After all, without a certain persona we are all more or less nothing, just awareness and potential waiting to be realized and become something again.