Last night after staying up late trying to make something work on the computer, I walked out into the hall on the bottom floor over to the mirror to comb my hair, because I don't want to go to sleep with messy hair. It always gets worse if I do.

I didn't turn on the light so the only light was from the next room. In the corner of my eye I perceived the door into the dining room being open. I found that a little strange, because I usually close it at night to save heat.

After turning away from the mirror I was going to close the door, but it was already closed. The feeling of the open path and view into the next room had been replaced by the wooden firmness of the closed door.

At this moment I had a distinct feeling of the dimensions having somehow shifted. 

This was a pretty good demonstration of what I meant by natural activation of the pathing ability, good enough to retell it. What would have happened if I walked through the open door? Or was the open door a manifestation of the path already having changed?

Either way, it appeared fully physical to me when I experienced it.