> This seems like it's something for npcs also
It would not, because NPCs don't have a soul so there is no "core algorithm" to build it from. This armour would be projected from yourself, after learning how to use the spell program. Trying to put this on someone else can't work because their physical and spiritual DNA would be different. It's not right to call any of these methods "duct tape" because it's technically the same as a guided session with a teacher showing you how you can do something. Learning it is your own doing.

> Feel free to do so if you think you can help it in a way that is natural and that doesn't impair me.
Doing it wrongly would also entangle me in the negative energy, so I always aim for anything I do to be "mechanical" in nature. 

Compare to healers who draw the negative energy into themselves, then purge it. That's super dumb because they are pulling in dirt inside of themselves. Never use your own body as storage, or any construct which is part of your being.

The silver tray astral artifact was created to work as a barrier against pulling energy into yourself during group sessions, but if the energy (gong) is strong enough it can be done without such measures because the functionality is included in the gong itself (because it's an intelligent energy form, so it's a form of astral AI already, even if no one used that terminology in pre-history). The energy manipulation, including sharing of things like an installer for said armours, is done mechanically in the sense that's it's applying a form of external force or "violence" on the person's energy. It's just done in a way that doesn't reach harmful levels, like someone carefully stepping on your body for a deep massage. This way any karma is "violently destroyed" rather than absorbed, and this prevents it from being stored in the body of the person doing the "healing". It may be more like beating negative energy out of you than "healing", it purifies, using external force.