> Why wouldn't I be able to complete the circle using the mind alone when it's already almost complete and keeps progressing that way?
Well, you are here posting now, which is interacting physically with your keyboard, and forcing you to translate your thinking into action... Just because something worked to get you to 90% completion, there is no guarantee it will do the last 10%. That's why. Using the brain to construct logic reasoning by crashing ideas together in a mental Large ERP-collider can also create new matter (ideas) if done right, while your body is in a near sleep state. But this kind of work always has the risk of turning into mental masturbation instead of something productive, and that is most signified by being impossible to apply in real situations. But the mind will work very effectively to create believable motivations for why you don't need to apply it (I'll just keep practicing in my mind, Buddha just sat in lotus position, Bodhidharma sat in front of a wall for 9 years, etc. There was a pretty good explanation for why this worked in ZF; Bodhidharma's soul left his body and moved into a different timeline where he lived several lifetimes as a regular person, while his real body was sitting in front of that wall doing nothing, it looked like he did no exercises but no one knows how much he really did in those other lives.). Just to drive home the point.

> I personally don't care if everyone is doing it (from looking at humans that's usually not a good sign) or if only very few people can do something.
Unrealistic goals can turn into idealism and then failure. The thing which is very common on other boards of this kind, the 
> you don't have to support the jews by working, just life off prana
> why do you have to use the electric grid, just get your own windmill
> it's not gay if I'm wearing a skirt
and so on. How many of those people actually did anything? (rhetorical question) The people we know of as role models are all those who at least did enough to be famous or infamous for it.