thumbnail of kemono servitor.png
thumbnail of kemono servitor.png
kemono servitor png
(31.27 KB, 518x453)
thumbnail of Cat-girl companion.png
thumbnail of Cat-girl companion.png
Cat-girl companion png
(6.85 KB, 518x453)
The sigils are referrers, they link to astral objects created by someone, usually the person posting them. To access them you need some practice in visualization at the minimum, and being able to "reach through" the sigil to the object, to then copy it to your own astral space for interaction. It's in principle the same as connecting to a server and downloading something from the internet using an IP address or URL.

If you already know how to use tulpas, this is not much different, you just switch to observing the artifact instead of the tulpa.

You can try it with either of these attached sigils, which are "fun" creations. It's a servitor but you may think of it in the same way as a tulpa. 

The cat-girl is a green furred humanoid, the kemono is brown/red colored, their purpose is just to be companions. Try visualizing the one you like while looking at the sigil, then mentally reach into the image and imagine them coming out from it and joining you on your side. If successful, you can interact with them in the exact same manner as your already existing tulpa. The only difference is that servitors are "hard-coded" in some way and their form and behaviour won't change, plus that they can be shared and copied like this.