> I struggle to see where my own imagination ends and this astral thing starts. What part do I have to imagine and what part comes from the astral?
To get quickly into using the artifacts, in the Sunflower we apply that what you can't see on the astral, you visualize yourself. This works if the astral object is correctly described. So at first it will always be your imagination.

To work with the cat-girl, you imagine what a green humanoid cat-girl would look like, her warmth, smell of the fur, her purring or anything else. Then you "fill" your mental image with the object from the astral, letting her float in from the sigil into your image.

You will know it works when she starts moving on her own. The image will then start correcting itself, so at this point you let go of the visualization and let it move and change without interfering with it. If it deviates from being a green cat-girl though, you have lost control of the image and it's no longer synced with the servitor. Then you need to force it back into shape. 

It's a bit like folding an origami boat from a slip of paper and carefully putting it in the water of a stream to see it float. If you build it according to the instructions it will probably float, but if you throw it in carelessly it will tip over and sink. Once it floats, just let it float. If it sinks, do over and try again.