I loved the pooter... Do I still like it nowadays? I can connect to other worlds other entities or to powers that destroy electric circuits. Does that mean it's incompatible? Nope it just means it's better that I learn to pace myself with these material object than with living beings. Humans also made of electricity and they also fall apart when pushed out of bounds. This is an addiction in the end it will need to go. But there are other problems lying within and leisure and a peace of mind is needed while uncovering it. Not to mention I uncovered stuff today again and... Humans are truly conditioned to live with machines. I just caused freak malfunctions while doing my thinking/magic while doing my daily routines again. I am starting to think that those electric overloads in the past were not made by solar eruptions but by some phenomena which was akin lightning and how the collective psyche can cause that. It's just we had to learn to live with machines and our energetic output settled down. I am not saying we are "better" but for some reason I cannot say we are worse either. If machines and technology were so bad we would have discarded it long ago. It mustn't be that bad right? The reasoning of an addict.

Then my 4th mind which was the realization that I need my first mind back. It had 2 important parts. Dad let me take an NLP course where they explained the power of words and visualization with science conforming way while everywhere else taught me before that
> religion is le superstition and people were dumbz back then for believin 
> psychological problems? You need meds and science!
Like on NLP they taught us how to cure allergy with a simple hypnosis. Telling people that their allergy can be fixed with that? They look at you like you are crazy. Only immunesupressants can save them! Whatdoyoumeanpeoplebackthenweren'tallergic coz they were stoopid!
The other part was when I realized my mind can affect the clouds and the weather patterns. The funny thing was that I did it on a bus while being bored and showed it to me my friend. He just went silent. Then showed it to others. Some said I'm weird while one said I might be a god...
What was the result of that? The hustle and bustle of a field trip made me forget that I made that discovery. My mind went back into a previous pattern routine and I did not use my abilities. Took me years to remember then years again to realize it's about the "faith" and if I don't believe in it it won't work. Then I needed an another year to think that maybe... just maybe. I am not the only one with this. If only there was a way a place where I can find people without them ridiculing me for saying these things. Oh rith interwebz. Then the era of psychic communities began. Then I noticed that the place that those internet flash porn people reference has a paranormal board.
With that a new line of thought could develop.

So yeah... Modernity...
Wonder when will we start calling it "Obsoletism"