(sorry for the repost but i didn't realize the thread got locked so i wasnt sure if you saw them)

i forgot to post or elaborate on it yesterday too but i had also felt i have no use or worth for anyone else apart from sisters and the usual suspects. I'm only using the following as an example, nothing more
> lets say, if i actually cared enough to get with a woman it wouldnt work out at all
> apart from that obviously conflicting with my path and sisters, there's also the fact that since im for the most part disconnected from this world in a number of ways, don't really hold much opinions and stay to myself/pursue hobbies/be alone I already offer no worth to anyone so why bother dealing with relationships or anything like that
> absolute disgusted at the fact of myself having sex and creeped out by the idea of marriage or having children (atleast in this body/existence/whatever)
i already mentioned how this applies even among interacting with other men but i'll refrain from retreading that particular ground again